Contact Us
Contact Us

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Location: Botany, NSW 2019

For all the latest photos and news please visit, like and share my facebook page

Phone us: (02) 9341 7458 or 04 111 01 906

Payment details
: We accept cash or deposit to our bank account only. Bank account details are provided when you book onto the course

Our Philosophy

  • We want to share our creativity with as many people as possible.
  • We hope to create a very arty community where you feel happy to create and share.
  • We want to keep costs as low as possible so we do not have credit card facilities and we don't accept cheques. This way we don't have to pass on excessive bank fees to you.
  • We like to be as green as we can which is difficult when working with ceramics but we do try. We use lots of recycled materials and approach businesses to try to keep as many useful materials out of landfill as possible. We also use recycled packaging so you might get products in food jars or bags with other companies' logos. We also ask you to help us by bringing and sharing containers, paper etc.
  • We want to encourage children to use their imaginations and create with us.  
  • Most of all we want to make friends and have fun.